First Attack Episode 6 Explains Frame Data
James Chen explains this beast of a topic in an easy to digest way
By Choysauce • April 3, 2020

James ‘Jchensor’ Chen’s beginner tutorial series, First Attack, dives into the topic of frame data.
First Attack is a tutorial series for learning fighting games in general. James Chen is a veteran fighting game player and commentator who focuses on helping beginner to intermediate level players learn fighting games.
Frame Data is an immensely useful tool for anyone trying to become competitive at fighting games. It essentially gives you the information of who is at an advantage for a given exchange of attacks. It is a topic that tends to scare players who haven’t immersed themselves into it because it just looks like a wall of data. But James does a great job to break this topic down and understand where to start.
James recaps a few of his previous lessons and then goes over the following topics:
- Frame Advantage
- Examples of Frame Advantage
- Not Letting the Opponent Play
- And More
Check out the first parts of the tutorial here below:
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